Wednesday, July 19, 2006 


All, the blog is inactive. SIBKF folks if you want this blog page, please leave a comment below. 

Thursday, April 20, 2006 

Sorry For no update

We have some project... BIG one. We are currently trying to solve some hosting and design. Furthermore, we are on holiday now so it is very hard to post updates due to our geographic locations.

Saturday, October 29, 2005 

What Is Worship

What Is Worship

  • * The word “worship” was first derived from an Anglo-Saxon term “weorthscipe”, which was later developed into “worthship”. It means to attribute worth to an object.
  • * A working definition of worship is to ascribe to Him supreme worth for He alone is worthy.
  • * The Old Testament word hishahawah means literally “bowing down” and emphasized the way in which an Israelite enters the Holy presence of God.
  • * The Greek term, used in Septuagint to translate shahah, is proskunein, which means submissive lowliness and deep respect.
  • * Another term is abodah, translated as “service”. It is from the same root that the term “slave”,”servant” is taken; and this is important. For the highest designation of the Hebrew in his engagement with the worship of God is just this word, “servant”.

New Testament References To Worship

* Genesis 4:21 – Jubal as the Father of all such as handle the harp and organ

* Purpose and Theme – Genesis 31:27

* Merrymaking – Gen 31:27; Judges 11:34; Is 5:12; Amos 5:23; Job 21:11; Jer 7:34

* Work songs – Is 5:1; 6:10

* To spread news – Is 48:20, Ez 27:25

* National rejoicing – A well is found Num. 21:17

* Victory in battle – Judges 11:34; I Sam 18:6-7; 21:11; 29:5; Chron 20-28

* Reserved: Haleluyah!hIn the King’s Court – I Sam 16:16-23; Ecc 2:8

* Shepherd boy – I Sam 16:18

* The young men at the gate – Lam 5:4

* During the feasts – Is 5:12; Amos 6:5

* Harlots sang – Is 23:15-18

* Mourning Lamentations – 2 Sam 1:18-27; Matt 9:23

New Testament References To Worship Music

* Matt 26:30, Mark 14:26

“And when they had sang a hymn, they went out to the Mount of olives”. It is incredible to think that before Jesus went out to His finest hours of ministry, He strengthened Himself with singing.

* Acts 16:25

…..and at midnight, Paul and Silas sang praises unto God. The result was that God inhabited the praises and a great earthquake shook the prison. They were freed, and the jailor and his family received Christ.

* Heb 2:12

Christ sings to the Father in the midst of His worshipping church.

* Revelation 14:1-5

The new song is going on in the heaven (with instruments). They are 24 courses of singers and musicians in David’s tabermacle.

* Revelation 15:2-3

The song of the overcomers (song of victory­).

* The final curse of Babylon includes the facts that there will be no music heard within the city. What a curse! Music is very much a part of the heart of God, and when there is a people or place of total darkness and sorrow, and where God never visits or dwell, then music will be heard.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005 

SIB Kingfisher map

Tuesday, September 13, 2005 

Ulang Tahun Pertama Gereja SIB Kingfisher

Pada 11 July 2004 Gereja SIBKF telah ditubuhkan di Kingfisher. Hari ini genaplah 1 tahun gereja SIBKF ditubuhkan. Sambutan ulangtahun telah dilakukan untuk meraikan tarikh bersejarah.

Sehari sebelum tarikh tersebut warga SIBKF telah bertungkus lumus menghias gereja. Para PMM datang beramai-ramai untuk membantu menghias.

Koleksi gambar:

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Pengerusi PMM sedang melakukan latihan untuk pujian dan penyembahan.

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Pastor Isaac dan Pastor Sam sedang sibuk menyiapkan perkataan untuk backdrop.

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Kevin sedang sibuk membantu Pastor Bae.

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Para pemimpin SIBKF bersama dengan Pengerusi SIB Sabah (Pastor Taipin Molidoi) bersama menyanyikan selamat hari jadi untuk SIBKF.

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Para jemaah turut sama bernyanyi.

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Potong kek ramai-ramai!

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Si Yuk memotong kek.

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Samonim dan isteri daiken Pong (Aunty yang pandai buat Nasi Lemak) bersama-sama memotong kek.

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Doa pembukaan oleh Pastor Taipin Molidoi

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Pastor Taipin Molidoi memberi khutbah.

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Pastor Bae menyampaikan cenderamata kepada Pastor Taipin Molidoi.

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Jejaka hensem gereja SIBKF(Ahli kempipinan SIBKF)

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Bersama-sama dengan isteri tersayang.

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Anak-anak ahli kepimpinan SIBKF.

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Gambar beramai-ramai bersama dengan PMM dari UMS, KYS, UiTM dan umum.

Thursday, September 08, 2005 

Hymn Stories

Hymn Stories

“A mighty Fortress Is Our God”

Basing his words on Psalm 46, “We will not fear, for God has willed His truth to triumph through us”, Martin Luther, the head of Protestant Reformation proclaim his confidence in God and rallies all Christians to war against evil. “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” is one of the most symbolized hymn.

Luther understood the power of evil: After he posted his ninety-five theses on the door of Wittenberg’s Castle in 1517, he faces years of trial and persecution, he was excommunicated from the Roman Church, and he continually faced threats against his life and his freedom. Other reformer has been persecuted and burned at the stake.

But he also knew “God is our refuge and strength, a very pleasant help in danger” (Psalm 46:1) and so he wrote “A Mighty Fortress is our God”, proclaiming boldly that “the prince of darkness grim, we tremble not for him….one little word shall fell him.”

Since he wrote it in 1529, Luther’s hymn has been translated into nearly every language. The first line of “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” is inscribed on the tomb of Martin Luther at Wittenberg. The hymn was sung at the funeral of President Dwight D. Eisenhower at the National Cathedral in Washington DC, March 1969. And it was also included in the National Service of Prayer and Remembrance, held shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks against America.

“Amazing Grace”:

The Story of John Newton (1725-1807).

“Amazing grace!How sweet the sound…

That sav’d a wretch like me!

I once was lost, but now am found….

Was blind, but now I see…..”

…the most beloved hymns of all the times. The author of the words was John Newton, the self-proclaimed wretch who once was lost but then was found, saved by amazing grace.

Born in July 24, 1725 in London, he was the son of a commander of a merchant ship which sailed the Mediterranian. After his father retired, Newton decided to be a common seaman.

At his own request, Newton was exchange into service on a slave ship, then became servant of a slave trader and was brutally abused. Early in 1748, he was rescued by a sea captain who had known his father. He was ultimately became captain of his own ship.

Although he had some early religious instruction from his mother, he given up any religious since she died. However, on a homeward voyage, he attempted to steer the ship through a violent storm. When all seemed lost and the ship would surely sink, he exclaimed, “Lord, have mercy upon us.” Later in his cabin he reflected on what he had said and began to believe that God had addressed Him through the storm and the grace had begun to work for him.

After 1755, Newton started his services to God. With his service’s partner, their goal was to write a new hymn for each one. Among his contribution which are still loved today are “How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sound”, Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken”, as well as “Amazing Grace”.

Sunday, September 04, 2005 

You are Invited to our SIB Kingfisher 1st anniversary Service~!

when : 11th september, on sunday
time : 9 am

plz, come and join us~!!!


apa buatkah, Paulin~??

membuatkan 'V' ~!!! *^^*


Shh~~~~~ ada mesyuarat pmm!


Thank you, Guys~!

Fred & Kavin~!!
many thank U~!!! membuat board. love you ~